2nd Call Backs
Sunday April 15th 2012
From 7pm-11pm
In No Particular Order:
Zach Page
Martha Johnson
Brent Gallahan
Elies Godfrey
Maxwell Moore
Claire Yenson
Byron Wigfall
Caty Regan
Justin Ahdoot
Ian Stearns
Morgan Meadows
Celine Daubresse
Jackie Reynolds
Max Ehrlich
Mahlon Raoufi
Justin Bell
Zach Brown
Raven Wilkes
Alan Vollmer
Maggie Horan
Dixon Cashwell
Janelle Cottman
Madeline Bryan
Brandon Butts
Kamaron Carter
Richard Chan
Kate Poisson
Hayden Ireland
Blair Wingfield
Tiffany Byrd
Emily Marsh
Shane Moran
* If your name is not on this list you will receive no further callbacks. Thank you to all that auditioned.