Please initial by your name on the callboard to accept the role.
There will be a cast meeting on April 29, 2013 at 6:30pm. Details to follow.
Don Quixote TBA
Sancho Panza Max Moore
Aldonza Kamaron Carter
Innkeeper/Governor Danielle Williams
Dr. Carrasco/Duke Zechariah Pierce
Padre Elliot Duffy
Antonia Kelly Wetherald
Barber Janelle Cottman
Housekeeper Shelby Smith
Maria Colleen Murphy
Captain of the Inquisition/Understudy Don Quixote Nick Motola
Pedro Max Ehrlich
Female Moor/Understudy Aldonza Tricia Wiles
Guitar Player Patrick Bello
Female Muleteers Emily Adler
Riley MacIsaac
& Understudy Female Moor Carmen Wiley
Male Muleteers & Understudy Pedro Mahlon Raoufi
& Understudy Sancho Billy Borst
& Understudy Captain Alex Burkart
Vincent Ramirez
Antonia/Maria/Housekeeper/Female Muleteers Ariane Belcher
Padre/Dr. Carrasco /Duke Denver Crawford
Innkeeper/Governor/Barber Emily Sargeant
Male Muleteers Jared King
Please initial by your name on the callboard to accept the role.
Both Kirsten and I were really impressed with the talent displayed in these auditions. These were very difficult decisions and we thank you all for doing your best. We will meet as a cast sometime during finals week to discuss schedules and distribute scripts. - Barry
Macbeth Aaron Mauck
Lady Macbeth Rebecca Granger
MacDuff Thomas Cunningham
Lady MacDuff Sean Pugerude
Malcolm Daniel Braunstein
Rosse/Understudy Lady Macbeth Jess Rawls
Banquo Jay Banks
Duncan Adam Valentine
Lennox Seth Hewitt
Angus/Sargent/Murderer 1 Xander Wong
Donalbain/Murderer 2 Tyler Stevens
Porter/Lord Dixon Cashwell
The Weird Sisters Joshua Crawford
Jenna Kraynak
Annabelle Bradstreet
Fleance/MacDuff’s Son/Young Siward Miranda Tower
Doctors (2)/Seyton/Understudy MacDuff Case Little
Ensemble James Russell
Mikayla Bartholomew
Ensemble & Understudy Lady MacDuff Kaelie Ukrop
Understudy Macbeth Telos Fuller
Swings/Understudies Matt Riley
Colin McLaughlin
Molly Kaufman